
idea light bulb

5 Ways to Validate a Product Idea Before Wasting Time and Money Building It

I have seen too many startup founders waste time and money building a product that is never going to sell profitably. Do you have a product idea that you want to validate before moving forward with it?

Here are 5 ways to determine whether or not your product idea is the one that your audience will pay for.

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audience research 1

7 Reasons You Need to Do Audience Research Before Building Your Product

“We know what people want better than they do!” is a phrase that we’ve all heard before. Most people think coming up with the right idea is the most important part of building a product. But it’s not always true.

A product idea could be the right one for a particular audience group but would fall flat for a different set of audience.

If you’re building a product and haven’t done any audience research yet, you need to read this blog post.

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blogging scaled

Five Proven Ways for a successful blog

At least 2 million blog posts are published every day on And this number isn’t even showing the real picture as the majority of WordPress blogs are self-hosted. Add the wide variety of other types of blog hosts like Ghost, Medium, etc. Every day at least 5-10 million blog posts would be published across all platforms.

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